McJo's Poker League Chronicles

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Week 12 - Battle of South Waco

1st ($120 / 13 pts): Randall "One Card" Ryan
2nd ($60/ 9 pts): Ray "Mouthy" Flowers
3rd ($0 / 5 pts): Donnie "Pouncy" Worsham
4th ($0 / 3 pts): David "My Home, Dammit" Bates

High Stakes /7 Players / 1 Table / 11:00pm Endtime

"You're leaving this early?" says the CW.
"Yep." Says me.
"How come?"
"I have to drive to Cedar Park."
Silence. "Should I pack some food?"

Ok, it's not really that far, except after you turn off the highway. THEN, it's that far. Which is probably what will be said next week when poker is hosted in North San Antonio (aka, the Ryan abode).

So, the pokering portion: Julie & David graciously opened up their home to the likes of Ray, Martin and myself. On the first hand I had pocket Js, which tripped on the flop. I took David for a fair amount of chips (for Round 1) and was big stack. A few other early victories led me to exclaim (correctly, as it proved) "I'm not sure I like this. Good cards early probably evens out late."

But for the first 3 rounds things went well, with my never going much below 1.5 times a buy-in, and mostly sitting around $20K-$30K. Staci...well, pocket Qs traditionally do poorly vs. pocket Ks, and all-in with A-9 when you still have a sizeable stack and Paul calls...let's just say she was dealing at about 9:40pm. To add insult to injury, Martin took most of her chips over the course of several hands.

Next to go was Paul, who had fought back from the felt to building about $20K, only to lose it in the space of a few minutes to Donnie and myself. The final hand was one where he had J-8 (I think), Martin had J-10, they had both paired on the flop, but I had also paired on the flop with a Q. They rolled at the end, Martin beating Paul. I made the mistake of only rolling my Q, and was beaten up unmercifully by the remaining players for not showing both cards immediately. Ah well...lack of sleep, no other excuse.

Then play slowed down for a bit until Martin's pocket Qs ran into my pocket Ks, which took out most of his stack. And then, the cards went cold. Not just sort of cold. 2-4 off-suit. 10-3. A-6. 8-5. For about an hour. And I'm big stack. But...big enough stack to just bide my time and not do anything stupid while everyone else picked themselves off. Which is basically what happened.

Martin finally succumbed to the inevitable as the blinds grew. Then the wacky hand where David flops a straight, Donnie's on a flush draw and I am fortunate to fold an open-ended straight draw with an A kicker. Donnie flushes on the turn and takes out David.

Play stays reasonably tight with a lot of blind-stealing, until the cards come back in a big way for me with pocket As. Donnie bets $5K pre-flop, I call. Flop comes 3 low cards, but 2 are clubs. I posess no clubs. Donnie bets $4K, I raise to $20K, Donnie goes all-in…on a flush draw with pocket clubs. Thankfully, no more clubs on the turn or river, and I am way, way over Ray.

Ray's strategy is simple and obvious: go all-in all the time. This lasted 2 hands.

And hence, we were done at 11pm. Which means that I got home by 1am.

Just kidding. See you next week. By the way, it's warmer down south.
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