McJo's Poker League Chronicles

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Week 17 - Heidi Ho

1st ($35 / 10pts): Heidi "Pretty Cards" Ivey
2nd ($10/ 7pts): Randall "Newbie Bait" Ryan
3rd ($0 / 4pts): Ray "No Can Bluff" Flowers
4th ($0 / 2pts): Adam "He Lives" Joseph

Low Stakes / 8 Players / 1 Table / 1105p Endtime

My name is Heidi. I want to learn to play Texas Hold 'Em. Last week, my new friends treated me like they were Roto-Rooter and I was a backed up septic system. So this week, they felt sorry for me and actually tried to teach me things. Here's what I learned:

First, when you have bad cards, it's a really good idea to fold them instead of waiting for the floppy thing and then folding. Or staying to see if the turny thing or the river thing help.

Second, I now know what a flush is! Isn't that funny?

Third, getting dealt a pair of aces is really good. But three of something else is even better. Like 6s. And you can actually beat those people who think their aces are the best! It's fun!

Finally, it's ok to beat the person that introduced you to these swell people. After all, they all have a good sense of humor and lose very gracefully. I can't wait until I'm invited back. Maybe I'll bring cookies.
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