McJo's Poker League Chronicles

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 10 Results

1st ($65 / 10pts): Mick M
2nd ($10/ 7pts): Adam J
3rd ($0 / 4pts): Ray F
4th ($0 / 2pts): Ed L

Low Stakes / 10 Players / 1 Table / 1230 Endtime

If there were any themes tonight- it was quads and jacks.
I am sure someone will disagree with me, but I have never seen as many quads at our table in one night in the history of our game!
Here is the break down of quads
Ed- jacks, nines
Adam- nines (hit on the river to suck out Ed)
Ray- kings (thank god my straight didn’t come on the river!)

And as for the jacks- you didn’t even need a pair of them in the hole, even jack/deuce would turn into something. The one time I personally passed on the jack/deuce bet from Adam’s 12k bet- the board came deuce, deuce, jack (so I would have had a boat)! Never question the poker gods when they decide a particular card is hot!

Eric went out first, but stayed to deal until his birthday brownies were out of the oven. (happy birthday Eric!) Then Martin went out followed closely by Aaron. Down to the final four with Mick, Ray, Ed, and Adam- Ed had the chip lead and Mick was the small stack, but not by a huge margin- according to Adam “ we were all even by his account”, though I can tell you that I felt small. Ed’s fortune changed very quickly and he was out fourth. Ray came in third, which left Mick and Adam to engage in foreplay (I mean duke it out) at the poker table. Heads up went pretty much like you would expect with two aggressive players with moderate swings back and forth. Finally, there was an “all in” and a call, only to reveal we both had Ace/nine in the hole with a nine on the flop. Unfortunately for Adam, Mick’s A9 was suited and the flush came. Can you say huge swing? With only 11K to Mick’s 200K, Adam just started going all in pre-flop- Mick doubled him up once just calling for the fun of it, and I just started folding until a decent hand came along. Then poof! It was all over and Mick had $65 to blow on beads! I would like to thank the academy and all of you who re-bought tonight!
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