McJo's Poker League Chronicles

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

week 13

1st ($ / 10pts): Mick "The Dom" McNulty
2nd ($0/ 7pts): Adam "The Submissive" Joseph
3rd ($0 / 4pts): Ray "I could do this better than Mick" Flowers
4th ($0 / 2pts): Aaron "I'm tired of dealing" W

Low Stakes / 8 Players / 1 Table / 11:30pm Endtime

I will not play your game- I will play my way damnit.
The early part of the game did not seem to interesting to me- frankly, I was getting such cold cards that I didn't expect to be the one writing this, so I didn't pay much attention. And then there were two hands that changed my night... one of them, I took a gamble and drew to the flush against Paul- bye bye Paul, I had a feeling, and no, we are not even- hehe. Then, on another hand I took a pretty major chunk out of my husband Adam- and that was the beginning of his bloodletting for his big stack. He continued to pass out chips all around the table for a solid 15 minutes.
Somehow we get down to 4 of us and I let Adam, Aaron and Ray duke it out, while I bide my time waiting for the right moment. Long story short, we get to heads up with me versus Adam. Adam has the chip lead, but as he likes to say, "we were basically even". Adam begins to play big stack, big dick poker, with huge raises pre-flop (what a surprise). My cards were colder than they had been all night long, and I began a new career as a "folder". I just kept repeating in my head, "I will not play your game, dicknose, I will play my game". And just like in bedrooms all across the country, the seeming submissive is the one with the real power. I just let Adam try to "big dick" me all over the table while I just fold and smile. Ray and Aaron are whining like little bitches that I keep folding and this game is going to go on forever, blah, blah, blah. They even threaten to start dealing the cards slower to force me into playing hands. I push when I feel like it, and manage to take and lose the chip lead a few times over the course of the next round. "I will not play your game dicknose, I will play mine. I will play my game and my game alone. Turns out Adams safe word was "straight" and my safe word was "boat" and that was the end of the night. That's right the submissive turns out to be dominant after all. Bend over bitches- this riding crop has your name all over it.
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